Hmm I read a rant somewhere in blogdom over the past week or so ( well at least before I morphed into 'The-Move-Banshee'). So one thinks that they have been remiss in swap netiquette. May be it is time for me to blog about my swap adventures. Before this year, I was never much of a photographer, so I do not automatically think, 'I should photograph this'. Or I get in a mad panic that I have to post the swap NOW and when I get home I have a penny dropping in an empty moneybox moment. So I do not have complete swap pictures.
Swap number 1 Fall SwapIf you go to my flickr stream you can see most of the photos as well. (In my warped little universe I like to drop hints about surprises without giving it away. I just get excited about giving I guess. But noticed that no one else was dropping hints...)
Evie from the sunny climes in San Francisco was my swap partner and being a fellow Japanophile, I decided to go with my favourite Japanese autumn festival,
Tsukimi. So that was the approach I took to
the handmade things. I ate the most fab Japanese mushroom dish the first time I was in Japan for this festival. The other bits and pieces? All bits of Japanese goodness but you will need to see
Evie's blog to check it out. Like I said I do not always remember to take photos.
Swap number 2: Domestic Bliss Miscellany SwapI sent my swap to
Jessica from California. I tried to marry my interests with her interests and include some Japanese and Australian goodness as you can see below.

How do you think I did?
Received items from the lovely
Fairlight. I was surprised that the box had this sticker on it:

I felt that maybe I need to review my packaging strategies after
seeing this. I grew up with tree huggers (their words), so what goes on the outside has never been a priority. I was not disappointed when I opened the package up.

Thank you Fairlight. I was so touched especially seeing you were
SO pregnant. (Been there done that this year)
Swap 3:Stocking swapThe lovely
rhyming twee Leigh. After looking at her blog and flickr, I decided
Kinky Boots was a stocking theme. I was
DESPERATE to make sure that I made the Christmas deadline (even though we had both agreed to post late) which was made more challenging because of the
MOVE. No photos to show you. Not until Leigh has confirmed that she has received her swap. That will be another post.
On the move front,
bansai, I have sorted the stuff. Now all I have to do is survive a housing inspection on Tuesday morning (sigh, more cleaning tomorrow) and a solo flight with a 9 month old pixie monkey on Wednesday night.
Sigh. Just viewed the blog. Hmm the flickr photos did not load. Troubleshooting anyone??