First to arrive in the mailbox was this lovely parcel from Apryl of Meridian Ariel fame (who happens to be an expat as well :D) as part of the Russian Doll Swap organised by I'm a Ginger Monkey. CT the bickie monster claimed this lovely key link as the parcel was being opened.

I have put it up high so she does not destroy it and have been working on a bag design for her to put it on. She still doesn't have a 'mummy made' bag and I think it is high time she had her own for her important stuff (ie transport distractions).

S claimed the takeaway coffee cup holder. Not to keep his coffee warm mind you, it's to keep him from burning his fingers. I guess that it is only fitting that he gets a little something after all this swapping. :D

Now for the crowning glory, one of Meridian Ariel's original book page illustration. Isn't she beautiful?? I love this shade of yellow and the flowers remind me of daisies. Lucky or what??

Then the next package to cross the threshold was this stunning covered button swap made by Donna which was organised by Little Red Caboose. Her theme was summer picnic. Luckiness or what?? I really need to think of a project/s for those scrummy buttons, though I keep seeing cute little outfits for CT and each one of those buttons being featured.

Look at the other goodies, Donna included in the swap.

This drawstring pouch is used to transport our cutlery. The little girl struggles with big people spoons and forks as well as my own chopsticks. I prefer pointy Japanese numbers to round Chinese versions. I also LOATHE plastic knives and forks....

The apron is really handy while I sew. All my tools go safely in the pocket. Loving the print and have been looking on Etsy to see if I can snaffle a metre/yard of my own....

Isn't this fabric and trim summery or what?? Still thinking of how I am going to use the trim and fabric. Once again I am erring towards the little girl as she is so much fun to make stuff for.
Then the lovely Jen of Painted Fish Studio sent me a belated birthday gift. Was I spoilt or what???

The felted bowl has pride of place above the tv. It also holds all my hand embroidery needles and little projects from sticky fingers. :D I love it now all it needs is a runner to match it. I'll get around to that in my spare time. :D

See the pretty fabric?? Jen printed it. Isn't she talented?? This needs to be made into a wall hanging, methinks. Be sure that I will be bouncing ideas off Donnie on Sunday. Um Smooth, to prevent it from going missing, I might just use it as a blankie. :P

Look at the postcards! S even had a difficult time reading the information printed on them as they were preWWII. Lucky and I've been to some of the places. Oh and a Polaroid of her two dish lickers. What an awesome pair. I have this Polaroid in a place where CT can see and bark at them (because that's what you do when you see a dog regardless if it is the real deal or a picture, peeps) but not take and destroy. Oh and a cyberswipe that worked, the buttons that is!! Just call me swiper! (Yes I have been watching and reading too much of Dora the Explorer....)

I would like to say that my mini goldfish mobile is hanging up. Vertigo me is too chicken to put to hang it up where I am holding it in the photo. :D

The soap has been bliss.

The trim has been the most awesome toy. Ribbon rolls go in ribbon rolls go out... Amazing how such a simple thing becomes so cherished.

A poor photo of Darliy's Stitched by Hand Flickr Group's Nautical ATC Swap. Sometimes it is hard to find time to rephotograph stuff that was lost on the dinosaur computer when it decided to go to cyber heaven. Can you see the fresh water pearls? And you should see the stitching of the seahorse with your own eyes. AMAZING!!! Seeing how I name things, this is Tatsu, as a seahorse is called tatsu no otoshi ko (dragon's fallen child). Not original but I like it.
There is another awesome package from Jen, a custom order and some extra goodies, but I am not sure if Donnie is going to breeze in and out of my blog before she goes on holidays. I might see her on Sunday but on Monday next, she is off to Europe until the 1st of October. I would gladly be her porter but I doubt the NinjaStar would cope with 6 weeks of travel. I was sorely tempted. As she gets older, I have no doubt we will have our own European adventure.