well the flu hasn't been with me since the 8th. friday and saturday i was preoccupied with news of donnie, she had some surgery and i was worried. it all went well and she is now on the road to recovery. make sure you take it easy, donnie. all i have to say about mother's day is, i can't wait until ct is old enough to do something for me. (so i was too $%&'() angry to post my this is...) well she did in a way, took a decided step towards walking. attempts at solo steps are still happening but not successful though. the monday was busy, busy, busy with lots of walking practice. mummy's hands were in much demand and on monday night i intended to blog post but norton's crashed the computer then i got s's flu tuesday night. it all started with shocking headaches (the eye popping kind but not bad enough to be classed as a migraine), muscle aches and sensitivity to light. a few bad nights sleep meant that instead of me just getting the aches and pains and being done with it, i went under. had the shock of my life, an asthma attack after a good 18 years...

being the reckless fool i can be at times, there was sewing and making until thursday.

thursday was when i crashed and burned big time (thank goodness this weekend was a long weekend...). the upside was i had enough energy to fix the bomb site

.... sorry no after shots, forgot to take them... have i mentioned that i am blond?? it's because i am blond, that things just slip my mind....

there was also happy mail (not just all 3/4 letter/bills/catelogs for ex-tennants). ezri b's beautiful lunchbox swap arrived (has it been a week???).

estatic grins were had by both myself and s, because ct preferred ezri b's lunchbox over the hello kitty backpack.

it even spent a few naps in bed.

i'm a ginger monkey, decided that ct needed a leo pillow (which i think is fab). it is also a huge hit. said pillow also gets toted off to bed (she's not fussy about which bed).

lots of growling happens when ct is in a talkative mood.

i also did some figuring out (ie the maths behind some projects), dyed my hands, feet and the washing machine a shocking red and did a little cutting out. this week i plan to finish my functional felt swap.

everything is cut out all i need to do is clear the dinning room table, move the cut out objects, and zoom zoom zoom on ma. i also need to organise a mushroom (or two), an atc, my purple crayon's mobile (oh the weather was oh so perfect for this project... oh well) and get some more sewing done for my etsy grand opening (all i have done is plan, select fabrics and cut out...) as well as all the regular what ever goes on around here....
phew.... i'm off to bed now. posting takes longer than it should.... oh if i owe you mail. i am working on it (along with everything else). i just didn't realise what a tight ship i was running until my week got all messed up. but we are on the mend. thank goodness, ct's throat has been sore and getting ice cream (she can be full to the point of bursting and find room for ice cream) into her. i have tempted her with soup, her favourite soft meals, jelly, juice... s has been going out of his tiny mind with worry (she's going to starve to death... nope she just lost her pot belly). so all is better.
So glad to hear your doing better! I had wondered what happened to you... :)
i cannot believe everything you've been up to, in addition to feeling poorly! i hope this week is better...
Yeah for walking! Eleanor took her first steps on Sunday!! Grandma and Grandpa were even here to see it.
Blimey - you are busy, and at the same time as being poorly. You put me to shame!!!
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