I have another secret squirrel report tonight and keeping this one a secret nearly killed me. This time I sent Smoothpebble a mobile and some yo-yos. Because it was not a swap and I was repaying some crafting karma, Kwoozy created my crafting karma. which I have wanted to pay back. You might ask why. Well, Smoothpebble, often writes lovely comments about CT on my Flickr photos and she made the most awesome mobile. Besides, a few of her posts have struck a chord with me (probably because we were on the same wavelength at the same time). She is still in mobile limbo like me. Unfortunately we are not the only two.

I had so much fun making the thread painted fish that I made three sets. One with an outline and crazy stitching inside, another with just an outline and the third set for CT (I will finish that project pronto so you can see what they are for). I had 4 little fishies looking for a 'home' in two senses of the word, a project and a place to reside. I liked the fishy mobile that I made for Painted Fish Studio and wanted to play with some of the leftover beads, I had bought to make shaker toys for CT last year. When I read in the mobile swap discussions that Smoothpebble still hadn't received hers. I will admit that hers was one I was hoping that would come my way (as well as several others) but I knew that the colours were not right.... I had to get her address. This is where I got sneaky and Painted Fish Studio. That's right the very lovely Jen helped me in this venture, as well as My Purple Crayon, though she didn't know it at the time. :D

Do you remember a few weeks ago how I posted a few photos with the title secret squirrel on Flickr? Well that is the morning we posted them.

Yeap, I dragged the family out, went to lunch (which both my favourite peeps love to do) and spent an hour in the postal queue (I was the only one who posted anything by the way). And while I waited to hear that the parcel arrived, I nearly went round the twist. It was extremely difficult not to give the secret squirrel away.
Mischief managed. I have another 4 in progress...
i'm so glad i was able to help! ;)
What a pretty mobile :)
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