I have hit my happiness nirvana, happy little vegemite status. My week keeps looking up and up and up. (S is loving it too...) What have I done??? Oh for those of you who do not know what vegemite is. It is an Australian food spread for those who like strong smells and it can be a little salty for some (but actually doesn't have much salt in it per 100 grams). S hates it with a passion but the girls in the family do. Wan-chan (is a boy as decreed by the man in the house) isn't so keen either because vegemite fingers = a wipe down. He is allergic to cleanliness. For more information please go to the vegemite official website. Oh make sure you listen to the song too by clicking on the tv.
So I guess I had better tell you how my week got even better.

Well take yesterday for example. A random package from okaasan lobs up. Sly old fox didn't even hint at it... Look at a sample of all the goodies. One had been feeling a tad guilty that I had not been making CT new clothes because her first wardrobe is on the tight (but not unwearable) side. Okaasan had the sixth sense.

She also decided that I needed a choice of BIG bags to lug stuff around in and look stylish as well as a sweet necklace which CT kind of broke before I noticed it but it is repairable. Repair first photo later. Ties for S, boring in my eyes, but he desperately needed more appropriate ones for Singapore. My bright ties just don't cut the mustard here. Japanese snacks, kurogoma (sweet black sesame seeds,heaven) and the osembe (rice crackers).

I have heard of these, they're Tales of Genji Kyoto osembe, but had not tasted. Heaven. CT thinks so too. While I was loading up the photos to Flickr someone woke early. My theory is that she smelt the osembe. I had just opened the packet peeps, I only got one.... But I think a much better snack alternative for a little person.

Yesterday also saw the little girl take her first step (and fall). So we can stand and take one step independently. I guess life is going to change again (isn't change a constant in life anyway??) but I am so proud. She was also practising the stepping thing today all morning (may be another reason for a very short nap) but more than one step is elusive (and frustrating for her). But another jig moment.

Today?? A trip to Arab St. If I am making aprons for okaasan while she visits, it would be rude not to include oneesan. I have nothing that is to her taste so I needed to make a little trip. I didn't side track with purchases but explored more. Have I mentioned that there lots of scrummy places to eat at?? Well consider it done today. I took more photos too. When I feel I have a good mix for a decent blog post, Arab St according to Ayama-chan will be written (along with dozens of other projects that are begging to be done).

Also I got the hugest compliment today. Donnie told me that I had talent and she was impressed and proud of my sewing. It might sound strange, but I grew up in awe of Donnie's sewing. She's designed and sewn bridal gowns, was an in demand dressmaker, owned a patchwork store and designed quilts.... Did I mention that Donnie is extremely talented?? So I take it as a compliment. Thank you Donnie. And I did my little victory dance when you told me too.
Ummm I better catch on my, 'This is....' post from Sunday. Forgive me a lot of living has been happening here at casa da yamas.
1 comment:
i'm still not convinced that vegemite is even worth trying! :)
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