I wanted to do something a little different so I thought may be a messenger bag would be good. Um I would like to know where the cut out bag got hidden. Sometimes inviting CT into the studio creates a few issues.

So then I decided to make one of those lunch bags that are commonly found in Japan. I worked in metric instead of imperial, so I feel that the lunch bag is a little on the small side. This has me a little worried. So that was Murphy number 2, size.
Then my overlocker (serger for American readers) decided to break the underlooper thread (why use it? um the fabric was the shred heaps kind...), we broke the underlooper threader (yes, that would be a joint effort between S and I), threaded ki (that's what I've named the sodding thing) incorrectly, got a loooooooooooooot of thread stuck on the stitch forming tongue, had to hack thread off. No swearing in English, picked a few fights with Ki in Japanese (um not really offensive when translated in English but pretty offensive to Japanese sensibilities). So Murphy number 3 Ki the demon overlocker from the ninth pit of hell (I stand by that and may we battle again, soon.).

I decided the lining needed a zipper and lots of little pockets (um because I am always looking for them for all the junk I carry for CT). I broke 4 needles because I wasn't thinking late one night about the metal zipper stops. Actually I smashed the needles so badly you could hear the timing belt clattering around inside. Nothing seems awry but no doubt Happy could find plenty. I was really worried about the zipper bust ups so stopped sewing each time 2 days it took... Should I also admit that I hugged Ma (the machine) and apologised (refuse to with Ki).So the zipper was Murphy number 4.

It gets better bear with me as I moan bond with you (I don't whinge because whingers are cringers and I don't do cringe)... Murphy number 5, I sewed and unpicked the side seams several times because, I had to change seam allowances for the zipper debacle and kept getting it wrong.

Murphy number 6, I forgot that the lining needed to have the right side facing (late nights because I HAD to get this project out of my life, procrastination and a little monkey not sleeping well at night are my defence here). The photo taking probably didn't help either (at that stage I was thinking of a tutorial (ha).

Murphy number 7, I embroidered the draw string bit (for want of a technical word) and I put it in upside down (It matters to me if the Japanese is upside down peeps). Oh it says lunch on the pic above and the back says box.
Murphy number 8 I sewed the handles on the inside instead of the outside the second time I put the draw string section in.
Murphy number 9, I sewed my finger only on the side but what was I thinking??? (Nothing, otherwise it would not have happened. Um good it wasn't in the middle of a fingernail. I've done that before....)

Murphy number 10 I asked S for his evaluation (he said it looked professional despite all the unpicking and swearing I did at it) in front of CT. Peeps, if I didn't have the outlaws descending on me on Thursday evening, I would have gone with plan C (the prototype worked today, but I should have been making myself some much needed clothing....). It broke my heart when the little sweetie CT chucked the biggest wobbly that I have seen yet, when I packed it up this morning.

If you have made it this far, thanks for reading the moan bond. I also sent a zippered coin purse for an coffee, cold drink etc and a long draw string bag (for putting your projects for working on outside the home) and other goodies but I will not post that picture below until it has reached its new home. Everything crossed that my swaper likes the bag and other bits. I am really nervous over this swap. Oh it is a blind swap so I can blog about the Murphing now (to get it off my chest).
In other creating news, I have finished 4 aprons (2 for MIL and 2 for SIL), I have 2 shirts cut out (and awaiting overlocking with Ki. Bring it on demon...), 3 pairs of shorts to cut out, 2 bullfrogs on the go (one for CT and another for one of her playgroup pals who is about to become a big brother) and I want to make something for the little person who is going to make their presence felt really soon. This all needs to happen before Friday. So if you wonder where I have been the Murphy lunch bag took a whole week to make and I still have a back log. So you will probably see pics of the disaster area tomorrow but after that I am taking another hiatus. So see you later alligators...
i really love the final result, after all of the bumps in the road! :)
wooosh that is a lot of things gone wrong! i am glad you perservered and were able to send your adorable set off in time
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