Thursday, 3 April 2008

This was on my desk Wednesday

Baa I am a sheep. I have decided to join the "On my desk Wednesday" meme. A day late but I ran the batteries out of the camera... again!
This is on my desk Wednesday
Seeing this a first, a view of the desk (hem hem Ikea table) from the 'studio' door. (Won't be taking one of these over exposed babies again in a hurry.) From the top kingyo wind chime, loathed venetian blinds, S's camera, Japanese lunch box carrier (pattern potential for Oh Frannson's Lunch Box Swap), wrapping paper (still there from some one's birthday), thread, Ma and Ma's cover, Obbakii (the over locker), water bottle, baking paper, blue container with all my cutters/scissors in it (note to self Suzy Reorganising can go go gadget them from there), bin under table and one of Granddad's very special stools. WIP below.
This is on my desk Wednesday
A shot of what is under Ma, because this is where all the action takes place here. This week I have been doodling on the machine. Donnie is extremely good at this and has two amazing pictures that she made. Donnie would you be willing to share them with others so I can have a show and skite at what a talented sewer you are?? You can also see a roll of baking paper (for tracing patterns), carbon paper, the original picture I based the doodle on and ric rac (was tinkin'...)
This is on my desk Wednesday
Seeing that I spend a lot of time here in a week too. Let's see how this space evolves... The packing boxes will be beautiful, they are part of the tunnels that we make, library books, DIY postbox, our water bottles, baby, Anpan-man, and stacking toy.


Kirsty said...

Oh I really loved that stitchery pattern at The Lark. Your machine work looks great.

Ayama-chan said...

Thank you very much. :D