Sunday, 30 March 2008

This is... the contents of my handbag

I have decided to join the 'This is....' meme that Three Buttons started earlier this year. I have enjoyed looking each Sunday to see what has been posted and decided I needed to be part of the fun.

CT is going to demonstrate some of the contents of my handbag which doubles as a nappy bag. This also not posed. I forgot that I had put my bag on the floor the other day and when I turned my head for half a second....
Mrs Baggly II
A must in such sunny climes.
Mrs Baggly II
Her hat. One hopes I can prevent melanoma for her in the future.
Mrs Baggly II
Diary, you can see the bib, and a plastic bag. The contents?? Patience peeps...
Mrs Baggly II
Can you see the contents of the plastic bag? Spare pants and other associated paraphanalia. There is also a travelling bug spoon, her sultanas, a container with homemade biscuits (ANZACs of course), the water bottle, the spare bottle in case we go to a cafe and share a milk drink. What you can't see is her raincoat, the umbrella (the rain can come in mighty quick), toys to distract, her cutlery set, keys, the mobile... basically too much stuff. No wonder why my shoulder aches..... Time to go tidy it out I guess....


painted fish studio said...

just you wait, sweet little girl, someday mum will make you carry all that yourself! :)

Angela said...

what a cute little helper you have there with your 'This is' post :)

I've added your blog to our blog roll, thank you for playing!