Jack 'the lad' Kookaburra

Likes: gum trees, laughing (especially at the silly things tin lids do), eating snakes and lizards, using backyard pools as bird baths, playing mind games with terriers
Dislikes: telegraph wires
Made for: Fairbanks Fancygoods as part of the Mother Goose Swap. The inspiration came from the kookaburras that frequented the massive gum trees in the neighbours back yards. I sang Kookaburra Sits in The Old Gum Tree countless times to CT while we were there. So I thought I needed to make her a kookaburra (which I will) but it seemed like a good idea to make one for the swap seeing that I liked this Australian nursery rhyme so much.
Made from: Kookaburra: wool felt; branch: clear hose pipe (long story why I had it but it involves CT, a baby bath and a C-section...), piping cord (difficult to thread into the pipe and hard to cut to make a big enough hole, stabbe myself with the sissors once or twice), covered in a wheat print (looks like the texture of a gum tree branch);

leaves: free hand embroidered appliques on green homespun (these were fun, fun, fun to make!!! I will be playing more with this technique ;D).

Miss Moneypenny (left) and Penny Henny (right)

Miss Moneypenny
Hates: her materialistic name so has become a bohemian hippy chick
Likes: frayed hems, homespun and other natural fibres, dahl
Made for: Irene
As part of: The Easter Bunny's Chicks
Made from: recycled linen shirt (I will never get into that beauty again)for body, homespun dress, button eyes.
Penny Henny
Likes: big hair (notice the comb), ultra mini skirts to show off her long legs
Hates: no wolf whistles as she passes construction sites
Made for: Carina Gradin
As Part of:The Easter Bunny's Chicks
Made from: comb and dress patchwork print, body green homespun
Inspiration: Camille Sait-Saens The Carnival of the Animals Movement II- Poules et Coqs (Hens and Roosters). This was a favourite CD that Happy bought for Rob and I when we were growing up (the eccentric one rarely listens to anything but classical...). Seeing that he agreed (with much grumbling) to loan it to his very special CT, we have been listening to it A LOT. It has rubbed off (as well as the Beastie Boys and anything you can dance to I might add...). If you can get your hands on the libretto, the rooster wolf whistles at chicks passing by. I didn't want to do Japanese-ish style for this swap so as I was listening to this CD I remembered Donnie had given me this book years ago. I modified the chicken pattern slightly because I wanted longer leaner legs (the linen chicken's legs were a nightmare to turn out...).
Speckle (left) and Mr Muscels (right)

Background story: A mishap with a dog a few years back left Speckle with a wonkey ear and no tail. So he is a very stoic bunny and rarely shows emotion.
Mr Muscels
Background story: He is the want to be boyfriend of Penny Henny but his try hard antics and his love of his pec deck are a turn off... But she lets him hang around so he can buy her drinks and other things. This guy's story is inspired from here (please ignore the uploaders other you tube clips). I love this commercial.
I drew up my own pattern based on the pattern from this book. Once again I did not want it to look Japanese cute. Both bunnies are made from patchwork quality homespuns.
For more photos have a look at my flickr stream. Phew. That was time consuming.... Nite all. It's late in Singapore.
wonderful! my, you have been busy! i love your creations. i hope they find good homes1
Me too.
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